Logo Mat Ireland is a division of Entrance Matting Ireland.
We have created this website with an aim to provide a customizable and easily accessible platform for our customers to design and order logo mats.

Get In Touch

Our dedicated team is here to provide you with prompt and efficient support to address any inquiries or concerns you may have regarding our products.

Contact form

  • Phone

    Call our customer service team at : +353 (83) 062 1647
    Our friendly representatives are ready to provide you with personalised assistance and answer any questions you may have.

  • Email

    Send us an email at sales@logomatsireland.ie and we will respond promptly.

    Whether you have a question about our logo mats, need assistance with an order, or want to discuss a custom design, we are here to help.

  • Visit Us

    If you would like to see our logo mats in person or discuss your requirements face-to-face, we invite you to visit our showroom.

Create Eye-Catching Logo Mats

Open the door to a world of  top quality logo mats and bring your ideas to life, add a touch of professionalism and branding to your business.

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